St. Luke's Images of St. Mary

A catalog of images held to have been created by St. Luke the Evangelist

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Panagia of Holy Zion, Agiasos, Lesbos, North Aegean, Greece. Agathon the Ephesian, self-exiled from Constantinople because of iconoclasm, is said to have brought Luke's encaustic Hodegetria from Jerusalem to Lesbos in 803. Wikipedia and other sources date the icon to the 300s with no explanation. Copy on iconostasis (right) dated to 1100s or to 1453, when it replaced deteriorated original, discovered in 1938 behind it & since displayed below it (photo unavailable).  zion-agiosos.jpg (42753 bytes) "Εκκλησία της Παναγιάς," Δήμος Μυτιλήνης,
Panagia Soumela, Kastanea, Veria, Imathia, Central Macedonia, Greece. Luke said to have carried icon on travels & (in one account) to Thebes, whence it was miraculously transported to a cave on Mt. Mela, Pontos, Turkey, where St. Barnabas and St. Sophronios found it in 386. Icon buried at forced disbanding of monastery in 1923; found & moved to Greece, 1930; moved to new Panagia Soumela Monastery in the Vermio Mountains of Macedonia in 1952. Figures largely obliterated. soumela-kastania.jpg (40719 bytes) Agioi_Anargyroi, "The miraculous icon of Panagia Soumela, and Sts. Barnabas, Sophronios," Aug. 3, 2009, Full of Grace and Truth,
Mother of God of Philermos, Cetinje, Montenegro. Icon said brought from Jerusalem to Rhodes c1000. Knights Hospitallers took it to Malta in 1522; presented it to Paul I of Russia in 1799. Now in the National Museum of Montenegro. Dated to 400s.  philerme.jpg (48745 bytes) "Our Lady of Philerme," The Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta,
Madonna di Montevergine, Mercogliano, Avellino, Campania, Italy. Underlying face could be that of original Hodegetria brought from Jerusalem to Constantinople by Empress Eudocia in 439; said brought to Italy by Baldwin II of Constantinople, its last Latin emperor, in 1261. Facial medallion donated to mountain shrine by Mary of Hungary, Queen of Naples, in 1295 & incorporated into a new painting by Montano d’Arezzo (Gerardo Troncone, "Il Primo Volto di Maria," Web Ing Av, Sept. 9, 2009, montevergine-face.jpg (147670 bytes)
montevergine-mercogliano.jpg (265195 bytes)
Mario MORRA, "AVELLINO : Santuario Madonna di Montevergine," Rivista Maria Ausiliatrice 2005-5,

Placido Mario Tropeano, "Santuario di Montevergine - Madonna," Avellino Magazine,

Madonna del Conforto, Rome, Italy (Madonna of Comfort). Contact copy of original Hodegetria, encaustic on canvas, sent to western Emperor Valentinian III at the birth of his daughter in 439, installed in S. Maria Antiqua, Rome; moved to S. Maria Nova (now Basilica of  S. Francesca Romana) in the 800s; painted over 1200s, uncovered 1950. conforto-rome.gif (13139 bytes) Gabriella Gherardi, "Roma," La Madonna di S. Luca ed il suo portico tra storia e leggenda,
Madonna di San Sisto, Rome, Italy. Icon said brought from Constantinople by 3 brothers on Christ's orders & given to S. Maria in Tempulo. Moved to S. Sisto 1221, to SS. Domenico e Sisto 1575, to S. Maria del Rosario a Monte Mario in 1931. Dated to 500s (Gherardi). sisto-rome.jpg (45516 bytes) "Mary Mother of God," The Virtual Oratory,
Salus Populi Romani, Rome, Italy (Health of the Roman People). Icon said painted on cedar tabletop made by young Jesus, moved by St. Helena from Jerusalem to Constantinople or Rome; in S. Maria Maggiore, Rome, where Gregory I is said to have had it carried through the city in the plague of 593. Underlying layer dated to 600s (Hans Belting, in Wikipedia) or later; repainted c1200s. salus-rome.jpg (41604 bytes) "The Borghese Chapel," The Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore,
The Famous One, Saidnaya, Al-Tall, Rif Dimashq, Syria. Icon said brought from Jerusalem to Saidnaya by Greek pilgrim Theodore, 700s. Invoked by women of all faiths to conceive. Hidden behind grill in Orthodox convent chapel. saidnaya2.jpg (161738 bytes) "Pictures of the different Shrines of the Holy Land," Pantokratoras,
Madonna della Civita, Itri, Latina, Latium, Italy. Painting said to have hung in Santa Sofia, in Constantinople, until the 700s when iconoclasts shut it up in a chest with two men caught trying to save it and threw the chest into the sea; washed safely ashore at Messina, Sicily, 50 days later; disappeared; and been found by a deaf-and-dumb herder, healed on the spot, on Mount Civita near Itri on the Italian west coast. Possibly brought there by Basilian monks. civita-itri.jpg (18124 bytes) "Madonna della Civita," Immagini mariane miracolose, Miracolose/Madonna della Civita.htm
Maria Nicopeia, Venice, Italy. Crusaders seized Victory icon from a Byzantine general's chariot during the Siege of Constantinople in 1203 and brought it to Venice, where it was installed in S. Marco. Dated to 800s. nicopeia-venice.jpg (29273 bytes) "Basilica San Marco - Nicopeia Madonna," Save Venice,
Mesopanditissa, Venice, Italy. Peacemaker icon said moved during Iconoclasm from Constantinople to Candia, Crete, where it resided in St. Titus Cathedral, revered and carried in procession by both Catholics and Orthodox. Venice ruled Crete from 1204-1669, when Turks vanquished defenders under Francesco Morosini, who carried the icon to Venice, where it was installed in S. Maria della Salute. Dated to 1000s. mesopanditissa.jpg (283297 bytes) "Eventi a Venezia," B&B Romantica Venezia,
Santa Maria di Casaluce, Casaluce, Caserta, Campania, Italy. In 1276, Viceroy Ruggero Sanseverino brought the icon and two jars said to be those of Cana from Jerusalem to Naples, where Charles I bequeathed them to his nephew St. Louis of Toulouse, who in turn entrusted them to the Baron of Casaluce, where the Madonna Bruna's sanctuary has occupied the castle since the 1300s. Dated to 1000s. casaluce.jpg (21657 bytes) Salvatore Fusco, "Domani si celebra la festa di Maria SS. di Casaluce e delle Sacre Idrie," posted Jan. 14, 2012 to,
Hodegetria of Smolensk, Russia. Icon said written for Theophilus, Governor of Antioch, later moved to Jerusalem, brought from Jerusalem to Constantinople in 1046 for the marriage of Anastasia Monomakh to Vsevolod I of Kiev; moved to Smolensk by Vladimir II Monomakh (d. 1125); destroyed by fire during German occupation in 1941. Dated to 1000s.  smolensk.jpg (54594 bytes) Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii (1912), "Chudotvornaia ikona Bozh'ei Materi-Odigitrii v Uspenskom soborie. [Smolensk]," Library of Congress, (detail)
Santa Maria di Siponto, Manfredonia, Foggia, Apulia, Italy. Cedarwood icon said brought from Constantinople by St. Laurence in 492 after his relative Emperor Zeno designated him to fill the see of Siponto. Dated to 1000s. siponto-manfredonia.jpg (23400 bytes) manfredonia .net magazine,
Madonna Advocata, Rome, Italy. In Church of S. Maria in Aracoeli. Beechwood icon said to have come from Jerusalem, by way of the Chalkoprateia Church of the Theotokos in Constantinople, to Rome in the 400s. Dated to third quarter of the 1000s. advocata-aracoeli.jpg (112785 bytes) "Archivio," Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro,
Lukasbild, Freising, Freising, Bavaria, Germany. Icon in Constantinople 1200s, then in Milan; Bishop Nicholas Della Scala donated it to Freising Cathedral in 1440. X-ray shows underlying image c1100. lukas-freising-det.jpg (177726 bytes) Vincenzina Krymow, Black Madonna, The Mary Page,
Beata Vergine di San Luca, Bologna, Italy. In 1160 a Greek pilgrim gave the icon to Bl. Angelica di Caicle and her companion at their hermitage on Guardia hill outside Bologna. Underlying Byzantine image dated to c1100. Repainted c1200.  "Icona della Beata Vergine di San Luca," Opere - Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici dell'Emilia Romagna,
Madonna Costantinopolitana, Padua, Italy. Icon said leaped in 741 from iconoclasts' flames to the arms of a woman who gave it to St. Urio, who took it from Constantinople to Italy. In 1500s covered with cloth & repainted. Analysis indicates c1100. In monastery of Santa Giustina since 1100s. costantinopolitana-padua.jpg (11426 bytes) "Santi," Abbazia S. Giustina,
Our Lady of Vladimir, Moscow, Russia. Icon said brought from Jerusalem to Constantinople in 450; from Constantinople to Vyshgorod, near Kiev, in 1131; Prince Andrei Bogolubsky moved it to Vladimir in 1155. After defending Moscow from Tatars, it moved there in 1480. It hung in Moscow's Church of the Annunciation until 1918, and is now in the Tretyakov Gallery, which dates it to the early 1100s. vladimir-tretyakov.jpg (54453 bytes) "Collection — GTG," Tretyakov State Gallery,
Mother of God of Mercy, Kykko, Nicosia, Cyprus. Icon said painted on Tree of Life wood given to Mary by Gabriel; moved to Constantinople 400s. In thanks for curing his daughter, Byzantine Emperor Alexius Comnenus (r. 1080-1118) gave it to Isaiah the hermit, who installed it in the monastery he built at Kykko. Covered since 1576. 1757kykkos.gif (24698 bytes) 1757 version by Charalambos Kykkotis, HOLY MONASTERY OF KYKKOS,
Chrysoroyiatissa, Panagia, Pafos, Cyprus. Icon said thrown from south Anatolian coast into sea during iconoclasm, floated to Cyprus, hidden in cave until 1152, when a light guided ascetic Ignatius to it; after he took it to his hermitage at Kremasti (Rhodes), he moved it to the present site where he built a shrine and monastery at Mary's request.  chrysorroyiatissa.jpg (101169 bytes) Original kept covered. Copy (n.d.) from "Παναγιές της Κύπρου – Madonnas of Cyprus," ΤΡΕΛΟ-ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ,
All-Holy Lady of the Knife, Machairas Monastery, Lazanias, Nicosia, Cyprus. Machairiotissa icon held to have covered Virgin's relics at Blachernae in Constantinople; said moved by a hermit to Cyprus in Iconoclastic period (700s) & found in 1145 by hermits Ignatios and Neophytos, who cut away brambles with a knife.  machairiotissa.jpg (21557 bytes) "Παναγία η Μαχαιριώτισσα," Βικιπαίδεια,
Madonna Avvocata, Rome, Italy. Said brought by nuns from Constantinople to Rome c750 with relics of St. Gregory Nazianzen and installed in church of S. Gregorio Nazianzeno in Campo Marzio. Now in Palazzo Barberini. Dated to mid-1100s.  avvocata-rome.jpg (40957 bytes) "Scuola romana del XII sec. - Madonna Avvocata o Haghiosoritissa," Sito Ufficiale Galleria Barberini,
Santa Maria di Maniace, Bronte, Catania, Sicily, Italy, nursing icon in church of same name in Castello Nelson, said donated by Byzantine Greek general George Maniakes to commemorate a victory over the Arabs in 1040. Dated to 1100s. maniace-bronte.jpg (13243 bytes) "Castello Nelson, la chiesa (interno)," Bronte Insieme/Monumenti,
Santa Maria, Impruneta, Chianti, Tuscany, Italy. Painting said brought to Impruneta by a Roman disciple of St. Peter, St. Romulus of Fiesole (d. 90); discovered during construction of Catholic church consecrated 1060. Icon repainted, some date to 1100s. impruneta.jpg (58060 bytes) "La Chiesa di Santa Maria dell'Impruneta," Impruneta: fornaci cotto terracotta dell'Impruneta,
Mare de Déu de Montserrat, Monestir de Montserrat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Statue said brought from Jerusalem for safekeeping from Saracens in 718 & found in 890; dated to 1100s. moreneta-imatge.gif (88762 bytes) "Amb serra d'or," Pepquímic, April 27, 2009,
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Guadalupe, Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain. Cedar statue said buried with Luke in Turkey, moved to Constantinople 300s, taken to Rome by Gregory the Great who then sent it as a gift to the bishop of Seville (500s), hidden during Muslim invasion (c714), unearthed c1300 on advice of apparition. Dated to 1100s. guadalupe-caceres.gif (42879 bytes) Real Monasterio de Santa María de Guadalupe,
Madone de Fenestre, Saint-Martin-Vésubie, Alpes-Maritimes, Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur, France. Cedar statue said brought to Marseilles by St. Mary Magdalene, to alpine shrine by Templars. Dated to 1100s. fenestre-stmartin.jpg (37178 bytes) Gabriella Gherardi, "Madone de Fenestre," La Madonna di S. Luca ed il suo portico tra storia e leggenda,
Notre-Dame-des-Fers, Orcival, Puy-de-Dôme, Auvergne, France (Our Lady of the Irons). Walnut statue said to have come from a previous chapel on a mound known as the Tomb of the Virgin, near a sacred spring; the French Ministry of Culture dates it contemporaneous with the present Basilica, c1170. Damaged in the French Revolution; hands replaced. orcival.jpg (34405 bytes) "Orcival," Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,
Madonna tal-Mellieha, Mellieha, Malta. St. Luke said to have painted image on cave wall after he and St. Paul shipwrecked on Malta. Dated to c1200. Mellieha.jpg (66304 bytes) John Scerri, "Troglodytic-Siculo-Norman," Churches and Chapels of Malta and Gozo,
Madonna del Popolo, Rome, Italy (Madonna of the People). In 1231, Pope Gregory IX moved the icon to this church from the Lateran Sancta Sanctorum. Usually dated c1200. popolo-rome.jpg (244324 bytes) Fabio Piedimonte, "La chiesa di Santa Maria del Popolo a Roma," I luoghi importanti della mia vita,
Czarna Madonna, Częstochowa, Silesia, Poland (Black Madonna). Icon said painted from life on tabletop made by young Jesus, brought from Jerusalem to Constantinople by St. Helena in 326 (or by Empress Eudocia in 439); installed by Lev I of Galicia at Belz, Ukraine, c1270; and at Częstochowa by Władysław Opolczyk in 1382. Underlying encaustic layer dated to c1200. czestochowa.jpg (75101 bytes) Troy Bettinger, "Our Lady of Czestochowa at Jasna Góra Monastery," Holy Trinity Catholic Church Renovation, May 10, 2008,
Madonna della Pace, Venice, Italy (Madonna of Peace). Icon brought from Constantinople to Venice in 1349, given by Paolo Morosini to Dominicans 1503; moved to Church of SS. Giovanni & Paolo (S. Zanipolo) after suppression of 1806. Dated to c1200. pace-venice1.jpg (55260 bytes) Brian McMorrow, "San Zanipolo Photo Gallery,",
Madonna del Castello, Lentini, Syracuse, Sicily, Italy. Painting said found on beach 25 mi N of Syracuse in 1240 & carried by unguided oxen to Lentini. Inscribed "Luke to Lentinians." Attributed to Italo-Cretan school of 1st half of 1200s ("L'Icona della Madonna del Castello," Regina Mundi, castello-lentini.jpg (40260 bytes) Posting by Vincent, Aug. 2, 2010, Benedetti dal Signore: agosto 2010,
Theotokos of St. Theodore, Kostroma, Kostroma, Russia. Prince Vasiliy Yaroslavich of Kostroma is said to have found the icon hanging on an evergreen tree in 1239. Now in Epiphany Orthodox Monastery, Kostroma. feodorovskaj-kostroma.jpg (43802 bytes) "Угличский Богоявленский монастырь,"
All-Holy Lady of the Great Cave, Kalavryta, Achaea, West Greece, Greece. (Megalospilaiotissa). Encaustic icon said brought to Greek hermitage by Luke & found in cave by shepherdess Euphrosyne; a dragon appeared & died when she showed it to Sts. Theodore & Simeon, who founded the monastery there. Dated to 1200s (A. Xyngopoulos). Megalosphliwtissa.jpg (44586 bytes)
Theotòkos, Grottaferrata, Roma, Latium, Italy. Icon in Basilian monastery established in 1004. Usually dated to 1200s. grottaferrata.jpg (46651 bytes) "Arte e Cultura - Icona della Madre di Dio,"
Madonna delle Grazie, Rome, Italy. Icon given by Emperor Constans II (possibly during his visit in 663) to Pope Vitalian, who built a church to house it; moved in 1088 to new church of Santa Maria delle Grazie al Foro Romano, and in 1876 to Santa Maria della Consolazione; dated to 1200s; stolen in 1960. New copy (photo, right) by Alfonso Caccese installed 2003.  grazie-consolazione-roma-crop.png (49272 bytes) "5 - Cappella di Santa Maria delle Grazie," Soprintendenza Speciale per il Patrimonio Storico, Artistico ed Etnoantropologico e per il Polo Museale della città di Roma,
Nuestra Señora de la Sierra, Cabra, Córdoba, Andalucía, Spain. Wood polychrome statue said brought by St. Hesychius of Cazorla (1st century); hidden 714; found 1240. Gothic, 1200s; child added 1700s. sierra-cabra.jpg (23926 bytes) "septiembre," Capilla de Música -Schola Cantorum- de Ntra. Sra. de la Asunción y Ángeles. Cabra (Córdoba), 2009,
Madonna di Crea, Serralunga di Crea, Alessandria, Piedmont, Italy. Cedar statue said brought from Jerusalem in 300s by St. Eusebius of Sardinia. Variously dated, possibly 1200s. crea.jpg (151641 bytes) 1981 postcard view from "La Madonna di Crea in cartolina," Casale News, July 31, 2010,
Vergine Avvocata, Rome, Italy, church of S. Maria in Via Lata. Said painted when St. Paul was under house arrest in what is now the church crypt, by his secretary St. Luke. But painting is signed "Petrus Pictor," and Fondazione Zeri dates it to 1290-1300 (  Via_Lata_(Rome).png (1504633 bytes) Asia, "File:Hagiosoritissa Santa Maria in Via Lata (Rome).png," Wikimedia Commons,
Majka Milosti, Trsat, Rijeka, Croatia. Pope Urban V donated painting of the nursing Mother of Mercy in 1367. Fondazione Zeri classes it a Veneto-Byzantine work of 1250-1350 ( milosti-trsat.jpg (176144 bytes) Darko Tepert, "Datoteka:Gospa Trsatska.jpg," Wikipedija,
Madonna della Lettera, Messina, Sicily, Italy. Cathedral's hodegetria probably destroyed in 1254 fire and replaced; possibly replaced again in 1500s or 1700s; destroyed in 1943 bombardment and replaced in 1947 with an image in which Mary's right hand holds her letter to Messina. lettera-messina-1620.jpg (116575 bytes) Giovanni Federico Greuter, engraving, 1620, "S. Maria del Literio di Messina, 1620," Sito Web dedicato a Maria SS. della Lettera,
Tikhvin Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, Tikhvin, Leningrad, Russia. Icon ascribed to Luke said brought in the 400s from Jerusalem to Constantinople, where it resided in the Blachernae church until 1383, when it disappeared & reappeared over Lake Ladoga in Russia. Dated c1300. Tikhvinskaya.jpg (34866 bytes)
Madonna di San Brizio, Orvieto, Terni, Umbria, Italy. Said by Luke or acheiropoieta, and brought from his native Syria by St. Brictius, first bishop of Spoleto, who gave it to Orvieto when evangelizing there in the 300s. Probably a local work c1300. sanbrizio-orvieto.gif (40663 bytes) "CALENDARIO - articoli & dossier," Orvieto e circondario in modo non-banale,
Vierge de Saint Luc, Liège, Wallonia, Belgium. Icon dated to the early 1300s, retouched in the 1400s and 1930s, said given to Liège cathedral by emperor Frederick II (d. 1250). Now in the Trésor de Liège museum. luc-liege.jpg (45070 bytes) Georges Weber et al., "L'icône de la Vierge sous l'œil du cyclotron," Bloc-Notes no. 26, March 2011, Trésor de la Cathédrale de Liège
Madonna con Bambino, Rome, Italy. Sancta Sanctorum icon given by Pope Eugene IV to the Confraternita di San Bernardo at Tre Fontane in 1430; moved to San Bernardo a Colonna Traiani in 1430 and to thence Ss. Nome di Maria al Foro Traiano, when it replaced San Bernardo in the mid-1700s. Fondazione Zeri judges it a work of 1300-1310 by the Master of S. Maria in Via Lata (Petrus Pictor, see Vergine Avvocata above). nome-roma.jpg (66026 bytes) Icon after 1970 restoration, FONDAZIONE ZERI | CATALOGO : Work : Maestro di Santa Maria in Via Lata , Madonna con Bambino
Čajniče Mother of God, Čajniče, Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dexiotrousa given by Stephen Uroš V of Serbia to Banja Monastery near Priboj, Serbia in thanks for healing; saved when Turks burned Banja and moved to Čajniče monastery church in 1498. Dated to c1330. cajnice.jpg (34733 bytes) Maja Radovic, "Nepoznata istorija," Vesti online, 28-10-2009,
Unserer Lieben Frau, Regensburg, Bavaria, Germany. Pope Benedict VIII gave it to emperor Heinrich II on the occasion of his coronation as Holy Roman Emperor in 1014. Present dexiotrousa in the Alten Kapelle of the Catholic Stiftskirche dated to 1330. altenkapelle-regensburg.jpg (104395 bytes) Alte-Kapelle Regensburg,
Virgen de los Milagros, Palos de la Frontera, Huelva, Andalucia, Spain. Alabaster statue said brought to current site by Capt. Constantino Daniel, on orders of St. Macarius, bishop of Jerusalem, in 331; hidden in sea during Islamic period; caught by fishermen in 1472, boat brought it to Monastery of La Rábida. Dated to 1335-50. milagros-rabida.jpg (122175 bytes) Francisco A. Fernández, "Nuestra Señora de los Milagros o de la Rábida, s XIV, autor anónimo, estilo gótico normando francés," Revista Pasos de Fe, 8 Sept. 2012,
Madonna di Oropa, Oropa, Biella, Piedmont, Italy. Statue said brought from Jerusalem in 300s by St. Eusebius of Sardinia. Possibly 1300s. For varied dating results, see Giulio Pavignano, "I Santuari di Biellese," Cultura locale biellese, oropa.jpg (28007 bytes) Ella Rozett, "Oropa,",
Virgen de Guadalupe, Úbeda, Jaén, Andalucia, Spain. Cedarwood statue found by plowman in 1381, destroyed in 1936 during the Civil War, replaced in 1939 with a replica (right), based on a drawing of the original, by sculptor Fernando Cruz Muñoz. "Talla de la Virgen de Guadalupe," Chiquitilla del Gavellar,
Toropets Mother of God, Knyazhe Ozero, Istrinsky, Moscow, Russia. Icon said brought from Ephesus by order of Emperor Manuel I Komnenos, so he could send it to St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk at her request; kept a year in Kherson (now in Ukraine, hence AKA Korsun Icon) en route to convent in Belarus; given to Euphrosyne's great-niece Alexandra of Polotsk at her marriage to St. Alexander Nevsky in Toropets, Russia; there until 1936, when it moved to the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. In 2009, it moved to St. Alexander Nevsky Church in a new suburb of Moscow. Most authorities date it 1300s. Korsun_Odigitriya.gif (81350 bytes) "Торопецкая икона Божией Матери," Википедия,
Maria virgo virginum et mater omnium, Rome, Italy, church of Sant'Agostino in Campo Marzio. Said one of Luke's favorite works, which he took with him wherever he went; buried with him and moved with his body in 357 from Thebes to Constantinople, where it was found in his tomb near his head, and brought to Rome after the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople in 1453. Margherita Maria Breccia Fratadocchi (S. Agostino in Roma: arte, storia, documenti, 1979) dates it to the 1300s because of its resemblance to works by Barnaba da Modena (active c1360-80); Walter Angelelli ("La Imago quae venit a` templo S. Sophiae urbis constantinopolitanae. Una icona per S. Agostino a Roma e le sue repliche," in Pedone & Paribeni, eds., Di Bisanzio dirai ciò che è passato, ciò che passa e che sarà": scritti in onore di Alessandra Guiglia (Vol. 1), 2018) suggests it could be some hundred years earlier or later. omnium-roma.jpg (112167 bytes) "SANT’AGOSTINO," ROMAINTERACTIVE,
Matka Boża Zwycięska, Gdańsk, Pomerania, Poland (Victorious Mother of God). Cypresswood Hodegetria said brought from Constantinople to Kiev by Anna, daughter of Byzantine Emperor Basil II, at her marriage to Vladimir the Great in 988; moved to Halych under Yaroslav Osmomysl (d. 1187), to the new Galician capital Lviv under Leo I in 1270, and in 1946 from the former Dominican church of Corpus Christi in Lviv, Ukraine (since reopened) to the Dominican Church of St. Nicholas in Gdańsk, whose website says it is a late-1300s work of the Serbo-Macedonian school. victory-gdansk.png (221596 bytes) "Obraz Matki Boskiej Zwycięskiej z Lwowa – obecnie w kościele św. Mikołaja w Gdańsku," posted by Tadeusz Czernik, June 4, 2012,
Nossa Senhora de Nazaré, Nazaré, Leiria, Oueste, Centro, Portugal. Black Virgo Lactans statue said carved by St. Joseph, painted by St. Luke, brought from Nazareth to Spain in the 400s by monk Ciriaco and to Portugal in 711 by monk Rodrigo. "Possibly carved in the 1300-1400s" (Pedro Penteado, Peregrinos da memória, Estudos de história religiosa 1, U. Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, 1998). nazare-nazare1.jpg (92701 bytes)
Virgen de la Fuencisla, Segovia, Castile and León, Spain. Mary stands, gazing pensively at the naked child in her right arm. In the year 71 St. Hierotheos, legendary disciple of St. Paul and first bishop of Segovia, is said to have brought the statue found in 1130. Usually dressed; dated to c1400, restored 2012. fuencisla-segovia.jpg (26879 bytes) "La Virgen de la Fuencisla llega restaurada a Segovia," - El periódico audiovisual de Segovia,
restaurada_a_segovia_, Sept. 17, 2012
Maica Domnului din Manastirea Namaiesti, Valea Mare-Pravăţ, Argeş, Sud, Romania. Eleusa (Tenderness) icon said brought to Romania by St. Andrew the Apostle and found by 3 shepherds with Mary's guidance. Considered 600 years old in 2004, when restoration covered remaining traces of the Virgin's face with painted cloth ("Restoration of Virgin and Child Icon," namaiesti.jpg (34142 bytes) Photo of icon before restoration (detail) from "Icoana Maicii Domnului de la Manastirea Namaiesti," Portal Crestin Ortodox,
Madonna dell'Elemosina, Biancavilla, Catania, Sicily, Italy (Madonna of Charity). Refugees brought cedar Eleusa from Scutari, Albania to Sicily in 1482. Probable date early 1400s (Vasile Mutu, elemosina-biancavilla1.jpg (32000 bytes) Basilica Santuario Maria SS. dell'Elemosina,
Virgen de los Llanos, Albacete, Albacete, Castile-La Mancha, Spain (Virgin of the Plains). Said brought to Spain by St. James. Found by farmer's plow c1427. Statue remodeled in 1631 & c1400 heads hidden in body, rediscovered in 1939 during restoration of image decapitated in Civil War. llanos.jpg (26950 bytes)
Reina de los Ángeles, Jimena de la Frontera, Cádiz, Andalucía, Spain. Alabaster statue said brought from Antioch to Spain in 190. Broken during Civil War, restored 1937. Usually vested, with second child outside robes. Probably from the 1400s. angeles-jimena.jpg (72136 bytes) "EL SANTUARIO Y LA IMAGEN DE LA REINA DE LOS ÁNGELES DE JIMENA DE LA FRONTERA (Cádiz )," eduardo saenz de varona,
Mother of God Hodegetria, Vilnius, Lithuania. Defeated emperor Thomas Palaiologos brought the icon from Constantinople to Rome in 1460. His daughter Sophia brought it to Moscow in 1472, when she married Great Prince Ivan III, and sent it to Vilnius with their daughter Helena at her marriage to Alexander, King of Lithuania, in 1495. Original now lost; copy in Holy Spirit Orthodox Monastery, Vilnius. vilensky.jpg (30914 bytes)
Anufiana, Dălhăuţi, Cârligele, Vrancea, Romania. Said brought from Jerusalem or Constantinople by Romanian monk Anufie, who built the first shrine at Dălhăuţi c1465. Sometimes said to date from iconoclastic period. In Church of the Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel at Orthodox women's monastery. dalhautinoreza.jpg (44802 bytes) Dumitru Manolache, "Icoana Maicii Domnului de la Dalhauti, "sora geamana" a "Portaritei" de la Iviru," Ziarul Lumina, 23 March 2010,
Madonna di Capo Colonna, Crotone, Calabria, Italy. Icon said brought by St. Dionysius the Areopagite. Variously termed a Byzantine work of the 1000s (town) or 1200s (Fondazione Zeri), or a Neapolitan work of second half of the 1400s (Margherita Corrado). capo_colonna-203x300.jpg (14075 bytes) Margherita Corrado, "La Vergine di Capo 
Colonna: storia e metamorfosi di un dipinto,"
Madonna delle Grazie, Ascoli Piceno, Marche, Italy. Icon given to the diocese of Ascoli Piceno by native son Pope Nicholas IV, who may have acquired it when serving as legate to the Greeks in 1272. Original burned c1300. Tempera panel now in Cathedral is by Pietro Alemanno, dating from the last 20 years of the 1400s, with unclothed child typical of that period. grazie-ascoli.jpg (159577 bytes) "Leffigie della Madonna delle Grazie in tutte le parrocchie di Ascoli,", Feb. 9, 2010,
Madonna di San Luca, Bagolino, Brescia, Lombardy, Italy. Dexiotrousa said brought from Holy Land by crusaders, found in Castello in 1441 & moved to Church of S. Giorgio. Probably a Venetian work c1500 (G. Panazza, see "Le Chiese," Bagolino, sanluca-bagolino.jpg (14628 bytes) "Il Bresciano - Carnevale a Bagolino," ADL ©Atlante Demologico Lombardo,
Madonna Odigitria, Bari, Apulia, Italy. Icon said brought from Constantinople during iconoclasm of Leo III (717-41). Present image dated to 1500s. Recent restoration revealed original position of hand on lap (right), moved up to classic hodegetria position in 1700s. odigitria-bari.jpg (9247 bytes) Gabriella Gherardi, "La Madonna Odighitria Patrona di Bari," La Madonna di S. Luca ed il suo portico tra storia e leggenda,
Mare de Dèu del Miracle, Cocentaina, Alicante, Valencia, Spain. Panel said brought from Jerusalem to Constantinople in 400s and by Cardinal Bessarion to Rome in 1400s, then given by Pope Nicholas V (d. 1455) to Ximén Perez de Corella, first Count of Cocentaina, in thanks for military assistance. It wept during plague of 1520. Sometimes termed a work of the 1500s. miracle-cocentaina.jpg (587942 bytes) José Cascant, "Mare de Déu del Miracle," La Mare de Déu, Sept. 6, 2010,
All-Holy Voulkaniotissa, Ithomi, Messene, Peloponnese, Greece. Said found hanging from an oak tree, with a lit lamp, when monastery founded atop Mt. Ithomi in 725; monastery also said founded by Emperor Andronikos II Palaiologos (r. 1282-1328). Monastery abandoned 1625, icon ascribed to Luke moved to new church built in 1701 further south, processes back to old monastery August 15. Dated to c1500. voulkaniotissa.jpg (698320 bytes) Tsantiris Nikos, Greek Orthodox Religious Tourism: Η ΘΑΥΜΑΤΟΥΡΓΗ ΕΙΚΟΝΑ ΤΗΣ ΠΑΝΑΓΙΑΣ ΒΟΥΛΚΑΝΙΩΤΙΣΣΑΣ,
Santa Maria della Stella, Trana, Torino, Piedmont, Italy (St. Mary of the Star). Cedar statue extant in parish church 1510, returned to 1000s rural sanctuary when it was rebuilt after apparitions of 1768. wpe1.jpg (3974 bytes) Per Grazie Ricevute, (screen clip)
Panagia Prousiotissa, Karpenisi, Haryana, Central Greece, Greece. Icon said moved from Bursa, Turkey in 829 and hidden from iconoclasts in mountains; found in 840 by shepherd boy drawn by radiance. Variously dated to middle Byzantine or post-Byzantine period; possibly substituted after 1517 monastery fire. prousiotissa-karpenisi.jpg (21520 bytes) "Παναγία Προυσιώτισσα: Η Αρχόντισσα της Ρούμελης," Κοινός Παρονομαστής,
Virgen de la Almudena, Madrid, Spain. Pine statue in cathedral said carved by St. Nicodemas, painted by St. Luke, brought to Spain by St. James or his disciple in 38 AD, hidden during Islamic period, found in 1085 by Alfonso VI in wall of Moorish citadel. Dated to 1500s. almudena-madrid.jpg (268181 bytes) Joaquin Hernandez, "MADRID on Flickr,"
Our Lady of Expectation, Chennai, Kerala, India. Oil-on-wood "scapular of St. Thomas" said brought to Madras by St. Thomas the Apostle who wore it as a breastplate. On St. Thomas Mount in Church of Nossa Senhora da Expectação (1523). First documented 1559. Possibly Portuguese. expectation-thomas.jpg (10091 bytes) Ishwar Sharan, "The Deccan Chronicle Deceits," The St Thomas In India History Swindle,
Jerusalem Mother of God, Moscow, Russia. Dexiotrousa said written 15 years after Christ's ascension; moved to Constantinople in 463; to Kherson in 988 at baptism of Grand Duke Vladimir, who sent it to Novgorod when it became Christian; moved to Dormition Cathedral, Kremlin, Moscow in 1571; stolen by Napoleon's troops in 1812 and taken to Notre-Dame, Paris. But it isn't there. Replaced by 1701 copy. jerusalem-izmailovo.jpg (20984 bytes) Photo of late 1600s copy in Izmailovo Protection Cathedral, Moscow, from ХрамПокрова.ру: Святыни, Иерусалимская икона Божьей Матери,
Virgen de las Huertas, Lorca, Murcia, Spain (Virgin of the Gardens). Statue said brought by Alfonso X when conquering Lorca in 1244. Lucan origin no longer claimed, tradition mentioned by Gálvez Borgoñoz in Mussato Polihistor, 1734. Original, probably 1700s, destroyed in the Civil War, replaced by José Sánchez Lozano's copy.  huertas-lorca.jpg (103889 bytes) Pedro Morote, Blasones y antigüedades de la Ciudad de Lorca, 1741; Agrupación Cultural Lorquina, Lorca, 1980
Three-Handed Mother of God, Hilandar Monastery, Mt. Athos, Macedonia, Greece. St. John of Damascus is said to have given the dexiotrousa in 730 to a Jerusalem monastery, which gave it in the 1200s to St. Sava, who took it to Serbia, whence it escaped miraculously to Mt. Athos in the 1400s when Turks invaded Serbia. Historical records indicate the icon originated in Skopje, Macedonia, and moved to Hilandar just before the Turks conquered Skopje in 1392. The present icon dates from the 1700s (Bojan Miljković, "The history about the miraculous icons of the Hilandar Monastery," Zograf 2006-2007). 3hands-hilandar.jpg (21814 bytes) Veljko Guberina, "800 Years of Hilandar," Arhiva Advokatske Komore Srbije, www.advokatska-

Where We Walked ~~~ Mary Ann Daly