marian anniversaries     october

October 18

Notre-Dame, Reims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France

St. Nicasius, Bishop of Reims, martyred in 407, is considered the founder of Reims cathedral, although the first church building was not completed until shortly before King Clovis was baptized there in 496. Dedicated to Our Lady from its beginnings, the cathedral burned in 1206 and was rebuilt in Gothic style. The magnificent structure was largely destroyed in World War I. Cardinal Suhard reconsecrated the restored cathedral October 18, 1937. (Information and photograph of the Virgin and Child on the west portal from the Cathedral's website,  

Also commemorated this date:

Notre Dame de Nazareth, Plancoet, Côtes-d'Armor, Brittany, France. Apparition, 1644. Pardon September 8.
Dreimal Wunderbare Mutter, Schönstatt, Vallendar, Mayen-Koblenz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (Mother Thrice Admirable). Covenant of Love between priest, youth, & Mary, 1914, often commemorated by daughter shrines this date or near Sunday in October.
Mariä Himmelfahrt, Aufkirchen, Oberding, Bavaria, Germany (Assumption of Mary). Church dedicated, 1500. 
All-Holy Lady of the Great Cave, Kalavryta, Achaea, West Greece, Greece
Maria ter Weghe, Haastrecht, Vlist, South Holland, Netherlands (Mary the Wayfarer). Statue crowned, 1955. Feast day.
Virgen del Rosario, Archena, Murcia, Spain. Patron of La Algaida district. Statue crowned, 1959. Fiesta formerly 3rd Sun. Oct., now 3rd Sun. Sept., romería Oct. 7.
Notre-Dame de Grâce, Orbe, Vaud, Switzerland. Chapel inaugurated, 1903.
Notre-Dame de Bertigny, Fribourg, Switzerland. Benediction of restored chapel, 1996.
Mater Ter Admirabilis, Nueva Helvecia, Colonia, Uruguay (Mother Thrice Admirable). First stone of first Schoenstatt daughter shrine placed, 1942; shrine inaugurated, 1943. Pilgrimage third Sunday in October.

Where We Walked ~~~ Mary Ann Daly