marian anniversaries     january

January 17

Maria Absam, Absam, Tirol, Austria

On the evening of January 17, 1797, Rosina Buecher, 18, was sewing at the dining table when she had an attack of fear for her father at work in the salt mines. Looking out the window, she was astonished to see the calm face of a woman in the pane, looking in at her. Rosina, her mother, and shortly the parish priest and neighbors, all identified the face as a portrait of the Virgin Mary, miraculously formed in the glass. Then her father and brother came home from work, having narrowly escaped a mine disaster. Tests ordered by the priest showed the image to be of indeterminable origin; it vanished underwater and reappeared when dry. With the bishop's approval, the Buechers gave the windowpane to the local Church of St. Michael. Pilgrims began coming and giving thanks for healings through St. Mary of Absam, whose simple 5x7" image still surprises the viewer, gazing out from an elaborate golden frame. 
"Shrine of Our Lady of Absam, Austria,"  

Also celebrated this date:

Notre-Dame de la Prière, Pontmain, Mayenne, Pays de la Loire, France (Our Lady of Prayer). Apparition, 1871.
Nostra Signora della Fortuna, Genoa, Italy. Statue washed up in storm, 1636.
Santa Maria dei Lumi, San Severino Marche, Macerata, Marche, Italy (St. Mary of the Lights). Festivities on nearest Sunday commemorate lights seen around painting on garden wall in the night of January 16-17, 1584.

Where We Walked ~~~ Mary Ann Daly