January 21Virgen de Altagracia, Higuey, La Altagracia, Dominican Republic
In time, people forgot the de Trexos' contribution. The Virgin of Highgrace was given a fairytale origin reminiscent of Beauty and the Beast: a merchant of Higüey asks his daughters what he may bring them from his the capital; the elder requests finery, but "Girl," the younger, influenced by a dream, asks for the Virgin of Altagracia, a puzzling title of which the father has never heard. On his way home, laden with gifts for the elder daughter only, he stops to stay with some friends, who give food and lodging to a stranger the same night. Over supper the merchant tells his friends about his trouble fulfilling Girl's request. He's even asked the archbishop to no avail. The stranger, dining apart, pulls a scroll from his pack, opens it to reveal the Virgin of Highgrace, and gives it to the astonished merchant. In the morning, before anyone can thank or repay him, the mysterious stranger is gone. The Virgin of Highgrace is the Protector of the Dominican People (though the national patron is Our Lady of Mercy). Originally celebrated on the Feast of the Assumption, August 15, Our Lady of Highgrace's festival was moved to January 21 after 1690, when the Spanish defeated the French at Sabana Real on that date. On January 21, 1952, the first stone of a new Basilica was laid. The image was canonically crowned on August 15, 1922, and again on January 25, 1979 by Pope John Paul II, who personally presented the Virgin of Highgrace with a gold-plated silver diadem. Image from the Basilica's site, basilicahiguey.com. Information from "Virgen de la Altagracia," Educación Ambiental en República Dominicana, www.jmarcano.com; and other sources. Also celebrated this date: