anniversaries february
February 2
Purification of the Virgin
This feast commemorates events described in Luke 2:22-35: Mary visited the
temple in accordance with Jewish law (Leviticus 12:2-8), which held that a woman
was not allowed in the temple for 40 days after bearing a son, and then must
bring two animals for sacrifice, either a lamb and a dove or two doves,
according to her means.
Joseph and Mary must have been poor, for they brought two doves. They also
brought the child Jesus to the temple, where two elderly holy people, Anna and
Simeon, recognized him as the promised savior. It was on this occasion that
Simeon spoke the beautiful prayer, "Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant
depart in peace, according to Thy word: for mine eyes have seen Thy
salvation." He also foretold the troubled mission of Jesus and warned Mary,
"a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also."
Because Simeon
called the child "a light to enlighten the Gentiles," candles are
blessed in today's liturgy, so the celebration became known as Candlemas. In the
Spanish-speaking world, it is Candelaria, and Our Lady of Candelaria is a
widespread devotion. In the Northern Hemipshere, Candlemas occurs during the
dark time of the year when the days are getting longer, and so symbolizes the
Light growing in the darkness. It also coincides with one of the four cross-days
of pre-Christian custom, equidistant between the winter solstice and spring
In a window in the Church of Saints Peter and Paul, East Harling,
Norfolk, England (c1470), St. Mary is central, holding her hand over her heart
as if hearing St. Simeon's prophecy. St. Joseph holds a taper and the doves (©
Raguin/MMK, from Mapping Margery Kempe,
Since Vatican II, the Catholic Church has called this the Feast of the
Presentation of Christ in the Temple, as the Orthodox churches have since its
institution under Justinian in 544.
In 701, Pope Sergius I introduced it to the Roman church as the Feast of the
Purification. Its emphasis came to be Mary's essential purity, rather than her
need for ritual purification. After 1000, as the doctrine of Mary's sinless
nature took hold, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8) gradually
took over as the celebration of her purity in the West. The reforms of Vatican
II refocused the January 1 feast day
on Mary and the February 2 feast on Christ.
Because it is such an ancient Marian feast day, Candlemas is the occasion of
many of her celebrations, including:
 | Virgen de la Candelaria, Campo Santo, General Güemes, Salta, Argentina.
Town's patronal fiesta: procession, gaucho parade. |
 | Virgen de la Candelaria, La Candelaria, La Candelaria, Salta, Argentina.
Town's patronal fiesta: mass, procession, gaucho parade. |
 | Stella Maris, Mar del Tuyú, La Costa, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Star of
the Sea). Town's patronal fiesta. |
Sedes Sapientiae, Leuven, Flemish Brabant, Flanders, Belgium (Seat of Wisdom).
Catholic University's patronal feast day: procession, granting of honorary
doctorates. |
 | Nossa Senhora de Candeias, Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará, Brazil. Romaria
draws thousands of pilgrims. |
 | Virgen de la Candelaria, Copiapó, Copiapó, Atacama, Chile. Found statue
displayed, 1780. Three-day fiesta, attended by some 200,000 pilgrims,
preceded by novena. |
 | Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria, San Pedro de la Paz, Concepción,
Biobío, Chile. Town's patronal fiesta: masses, procession. |
 | Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria, Osorno, Osorno, Los Lagos, Chile, Rahue
district. City's patronal fiesta: processions, masses. |
 | Virgen de la Popa, Trinidad, La Villa, Cuba |
 | Virgen de la Caridad, Mira,
Carchi, Ecuador (Virgin of Charity). Fiesta; dances,
fireworks. |
 | Nuestra Señora del Buen Suceso de la Purificación, Quito, Ecuador (Our
Lady of Good Success of the Purification) |
 | Notre-Dame de la Confession, Marseille, France. Procession of Black Virgin
from St. Victor's crypt, with green candles; solemn mass. |
 | Marienkapelle, Bad Kissingen, Lower Franconia, Bavaria, Germany (Mary's
Chapel). Pilgrimage on following Thursday by towns spared from 1569 plague. |
 | Panaghia Flevariotissa, Astypalea, Astypalea, South Aegean, Greece |
 | Virgen de Candelaria, Cunén, Quiché, Guatemala. Town's patronal fiesta. |
 | Virgen de la Candelaria, Teculután, Zacapa, Guatemala. Town's patronal
fiesta & mass, accompanied by secular celebrations through the
week. |
 | Our Lady of Candelaria, Pomburpa, North Goa, Goa, India |
 | Santa Maria, Gambolò, Pavia, Lombardy, Italy |
 | Madonna dell'Olivo, Chiavari, Genova, Liguria, Italy. Icon found, 936. |
 | Santa Maria delle Fratte, Castel Baronia, Avellino, Campania, Italy. Festa
commemorates icon's finding in 1137. Also Aug. 15. |
 | Madonna del Soccorso, Sciacca, Agrigento, Sicily, Italy (Our Lady of Help) |
 | Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, Huajicori, Nayarit, Mexico |
 | Virgen del Favor, Hostotipaquillo, Jalisco, Mexico. Patron of
motorcyclists. |
 | Virgen del Sagrario, Tamazula de Gordiano, Jalisco, Mexico (Virgin of the
Tabernacle). Patronal fiesta; statue crowned, 1947. |
 | Virgen de la Salud, Colima, Colima, Mexico (Virgin of Health) |
 | Virgen de Tonatico, Tonatico, Mexico, Mexico |
 | Virgen del Socorro, Huanchaco, Trujillo, La Libertad, Peru (Virgin of
Help). Fiesta: solemn mass, street procession. |
 | Mare de Déu del Blau, Lleida, Lleida, Catalonia, Spain. Festa. |
 | Mare de Déu de l'Ajuda, Barcelona, Spain (Mother of God of Help). Festa. |
 | Nuestra Señora de la Oliva, Salteras, Sevilla, Andalucia, Spain |
 | Virgen de la Soledad, Huéscar, Granada, Andalucia, Spain (Virgin of
Grief). Statue crowned, 2008. Procession Holy Saturday. |
 | Virgen de La Salud, La Hoya, Lorca, Murcia, Spain (Virgin of Health) |