anniversaries february
February 27
Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, Chiclana de la Frontera, Cádiz, Andalucia,
In the 1500s, a mysterious light guided a shepherd to a small standing
image of the Virgin. A shrine grew up around it, dedicated to Our Lady of
Remedies. In 1738, a terrible drought struck the region. On February 13
the local council decided to perform a novena, "carrying in
procession Our Lady of Remedies and Nazarene Jesus of Refuge from the
Augustinian monastery to the main church" for nine days. At the
ritual's conclusion, February 24, rain began to fall. It was still falling
on the 27th, when the council met again to name Nuestra Señora de los
Remedios patron of Chiclana de la Frontera. Pope Benedict XV confirmed her
patronage of the town on June 12, 1916. Although tradition assumes the
statue in the Church of San Telmo to have been hidden from the Moors by
early Spanish Christians, art historians date it to the 1500s, near its
date of appearance. Chiclana honors Our Lady of Remedies with an annual
procession on the feast of Mary's Nativity, September 8. (Information from web
cofrade de Sevilla, Picture from "Salida
Procesional de la Patrona de Chiclana de la Frontera. Remedios (8 Fotos),"
A. Quijano de Benito, 9/11/04,
Also commemorated this date:
 | Vierge de la Lande, Saint-Colomban, Loire-Atlantique, Pays de la
Loire, France (Virgin of the Heath). Statue blessed, 1955, on site of
apparitions to Marie Lorteau in 1882. |
 | Santa María, Portugalete, Bilbao, Viscaya, Spain. Church proclaimed
Basilica, 1951. |