March 5
Santa Maria de la Cruz, Cubas, Madrid, Spain
In 1449, Inés Martínez, 12,
saw the Virgin six times, from March 3
to 19.
Dressed in gold, the beautiful Lady appeared to the girl while she was
herding pigs. On March 9, Mary took a cross from Inés
and planted it to mark the location of
her desired shrine, which later became a
Franciscan convent. For many years this anniversary was
celebrated with a procession from the town to the rural sanctuary, where the
nuns would expose the cross. During the Civil War,
eight sisters were martyred and the shrine burned.
In 1988, rebuilding began. On March 5, 1994, the new church was dedicated
and the Bishop of Getafe designated it a Diocesan Sanctuary. The new convent
is home to Clarissan nuns, and in recent years, the March 9 pilgrimage has
been revived.
William A. Christian, Jr., "Chapter 1,"
Apparitions in Late Medieval and Renaissance Spain, |
 | "Santa Maria de la Cruz," Diócesis de
Getafe, |
 | "Santa María de la Cruz," Foros de la
Virgen María, |
Hermandad de Santa María de la Cruz y de la Santa Juana, (photo, detail of statue
on processional platform) |