anniversaries march
March 22
Madonna dei Sette Veli, Foggia, Apulia, Italy
Legend holds that in 1062, three little flames rising from the water
attracted some herders to a bog, where they found a Byzantine icon of the
Virgin. Now in Foggia's Cathedral, the image is covered in seven sheaths
of precious metal. On March 22, 1731, Holy Thursday, while the people were
all at mass, the Virgin's face appeared in the small, usually dark, window
of the cladding. St. Alphonsus Liguori heard about it and went to Foggia
to pay homage. He saw the Madonna appear as a girl of 13-14, in a white
veil. The apparitions continued until 1745. Foggia's patronal feast March 20-22 commemorates them. The main city festa of the Madonna of Seven Veils
takes place around the Feast of the
Assumption, August 13-16.
Also commemorated this date:
 | Notre Dame de la Voie, Saint Sulpice Laurière, Haute-Vienne,
Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France (Our Lady of the Way). First mass celebrated in
church, 1964. |
 | Notre-Dame de Bon Secours, Lablachère, Ardèche,
France (Our Lady of Good Help). First stone of chapel placed, 1682. |
 | Madonna del Buio, Bibbiena, Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy (Madonna of the
Ox). Statue returned miraculously from town to rural sanctuary,
leaving footprints, 1512. |
 | Maria Santissima Addolorata, Guasto di Castelpetroso, Isernia,
Molise, Italy (St. Mary of Sorrows) |
 | Albazin Mother of God, Blagoveschensk, Amur, Russia. March 9 in the
old calendar. |