April 19

Virgen del Verdún, Minas, Lavalleja, Uruguay

   The 10' statue of the Virgin of the Verdun, illuminated nightly, stands on a 62' pedestal on 1100' Verdun Hill overlooking the town of Minas in southeastern Uruguay. Dedicated April 19, 1910, the shrine attracts thousands of visitors annually, particularly on this date, which the Catholic diocese chose for the annual pilgrimage and celebration at the sanctuary because it was the date in 1825 on which the famous 33 patriots led by local hero Juan Lavalleja crossed the Río de la Plata to liberate Uruguay from Brazil. Beloved local poet Padre Olegario María Núñez was buried here in 1932 because of his line, "Y en un repliegue de tu serrania mi humilde ceniza se estremecerá" ("And in a retreat of your range my humble ash will tremble"). The statue is a traditional Immaculate Conception image: standing, childless, head uncovered, in a white robe and blue mantle, a crescent moon at her feet. Information from "Santuario VIRGEN DEL VERDÚN," Conferencia Episcopal del Uruguay - C.E.U., www.iglesiauruguaya.com. Photograph (detail) by Estella Priz, uploaded April 7, 2009 to abrecabezasunabellezaaldia.blogspot.com.  

Also commemorated this date:

bulletNotre-Dame du Vœu, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, Normandy, France (Our Lady of the Vow). Statue in cathedral intact after seven bombs hit, 1944.
bulletNotre-Dame de Laghet, La Trinité, Provence, France. Statue crowned, 1900.
bulletSzűz Mária, Máriabesnyő, Gödöllő, Pest, Hungary (Virgin Mary). Statue found, 1759.
bulletTerebovlya Mother of God, Lviv, Ukraine (April 6 old calendar)
bulletMare de Dèu del Miracle, Cocentaina, Valencia, Spain. Statue cried blood, 1520.

Where We Walked ~~~ Mary Ann Daly