anniversaries may
May 22
Matka Boża Bolesna, Chełmno,
Kuyavia-Pomerania, Poland
The Teutonic Knights founded the Church of St. Mary's Assumption in the
1200s. In 1649, the painting of the Sorrowful Mother of God was moved
there from a chapel on one of the city gates. This painting, considered
miraculous, resides in the northern chapel, originally the burial chapel
of the Niemojewscy family. It was solemnly crowned on May 22, 1754. There
is a healing spring at the shrine. The main pilgrimage takes place on July 2, formerly the Catholic
Feast of the Visitation of St. Mary to St. Elizabeth.
 | The city's website, Picture |
 | The church's website, Parafia
pw. Wniebowzicia NMP w Chełmnie,
(image) |
Also commemorated this date:
 | Vierge de Bon Vouloir, Havré, Mons, Hainaut, Wallonia, Belgium (Virgin of
Good Will). Chapel
begun, 1625. Pilgrimage August 15. |
 | Notre-Dame de la Basse Forêt, Cieux, Haute-Vienne, Limousin, France (Our
Lady of the Low Forest).
First annual pilgrimage, 1899. |
 | Notre-Dame du Bon Secours, Oderen, Haut-Rhin, Alsace, France (Our Lady of
Good Help). First stone
of new chapel laid, 1893. |
 | Maria Hilf, Vilsbiburg, Landshut, Lower Bavaria, Germany (Mary Help).
Foundation stone of first chapel laid, 1686. |
 | Madonna della Misericordia, Croce di Savenone, Pezzaze, Bovegno, Brescia,
Lombardy, Italy (Madonna of Mercy). Apparition, 1527. |
 | Immacolata Concezione, Sassello, Savona, Liguria, Italy. Church
consecrated as Basilica, 1622. |
 | Madonna dell'Olmo, Valfabbrica, Perugia, Umbria, Italy (Madonna of the
Elm). Apparition, 1484. Festa last Sunday in August. |
 | Santa Maria Acquas, Sardara, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy (St. Mary Waters).
Statue crowned, 1988. Festas in May and September. |
 | Matka
Boża Hałcnowska, Bielsko-Biała, Silesia, Poland, Hałcnów
district. 1900s pietà statue crowned, 1995, by Pope John Paul II. |
 | Santa María, Torrelavega, Besaya, Cantabria, Spain, Barreda district.
Procession, folk dancing. |
 | Virgen de Cubas, Jorquera, Albacete, Aragón, Spain. Romería. |
 | Santa Maria de Lluçà, Lluçà, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. Church
consecrated, 905. |
 | Verge de la Salut, Barcelona, Spain (Virgin of Health). Shrine
inaugurated, 1864. Fiesta September 8. |
 | Virgen del Monte, Bolaños de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, Castilla La Mancha,
Spain (Virgin of the Mount). Statue crowned, 1966; romería. Fiesta
September 15. |