June 23Madonna del Sasso, Bibbiena, Arezzo, Tuscany, ItalyOn June 23, 1347, Catherine, 7, was waiting for her mother at the base of a massive rock when she saw a beautiful lady in white who gave some her some pods, found that evening to be full of blood: an omen of the bubonic plague of the following year, from which Bibbiena and environs were largely spared. The rock formation where Catherine saw the Madonna became the core of the Sanctuary of the Madonna of the Rock. Around 1435, Bicci di Lorenzo frescoed the main altarpiece against its top (left, from Il Santuario di Santa Maria del Sasso, santuario.santamariadelsasso.it), miraculously spared by a fire that destroyed the first building. The present Sanctuary was consecrated in 1507. Under the care of the Dominican Fathers, it celebrates the festa of the Madonna del Sasso with fireworks on the night of June 22; and on the apparition anniversary, June 23, solemn mass with the bishop, a concert, and a communal meal. Also celebrated this date: