November 26Our Lady of Soufanieh, Damascus, Syria
Five days later, oil began oozing from a small picture of Our Lady of Kazan in Myrna and Nicolas's home—an icon both Catholics and Orthodox Christians revere, known for miracles and healings. With a six-week break early in 1983, when it stayed in the nearby Orthodox church, and a year's break in 1985-86, oil flowed from the Nazzours' icon until November 26, 1990. Labs in Syria, Germany, France, and Italy all found it to be olive oil. The icon shed oil again during Holy Week of 2001 and 2017.[2] From the beginning, oil from the icon, like that from Myrna's hands, was associated with miracles of healing. Other holy pictures connected with the Soufanieh devotions produced oil and miracles too. On December 15, 1982, Myrna saw the Virgin coming from a globe of light in a eucalyptus tree. From then on she repeatedly saw and received messages from both Mary and Jesus, until November 26, 1990, when she reported the Virgin's farewell: "... you are seeing Me for the last time until the feast is unified." Consistent with the seer's personal location in a nexus of faiths, the messages of Soufanieh call for Christian unity, including agreement on the date of Easter, historically different in the western and eastern churches. Often Myrna heard the Virgin repeat the Biblical sayings of Jesus: "Love one another. ... Forbear and forgive. ... Do not fear, I am with you." In an early message from Mary, Myrna learned the affirmation, "God saves me, Jesus enlightens me, the Holy Spirit is my life, thus I fear nothing." Since 1983, Myrna has occasionally suffered stigmatic wounds during ecstasy, visible to others during the day and completely gone by midnight. The position of the hierarchy on the Soufanieh devotions is unclear, supporters claiming blessings and church approval and detractors claiming fraud and church disapproval. Priests and bishops, both Catholic and Orthodox, have celebrated masses in connection with the devotions. Annual anniversary celebrations begin November 26 with mass in a church, followed by evening prayers and festivities at the Nazzours' home, with Myrna, Nicolas, their two children, relatives, friends, and followers. The devotions have continued despite the Syrian civil war, of which Jesus told Myrna in 2014: "The wounds that have bled on this land are the same as those of my body. For their author and cause are the same."[3]
Also commemorated this date: