Holy Ghost Park
Dickeyville, Wisconsin
Born September
10, 1873 in Ketteris, Rhine, Germany (now Belgium), Mathias Wernerus came to the U.S.
at age 30. |
First work
Paul Dobberstein, he attended St. Francis Seminary near
Milwaukee. In 1918 he became pastor of Holy Ghost Catholic Church in
Dickeyville. He made his first sculptures to decorate a war memorial he
built in the church cemetery. |
With the help of a devoted parishioner,
George Splinter, he created ever more elaborate encrusted shrines on the
church grounds, until his death in 1931. |
Fr. Wernerus brought stone from limestone quarries along
the nearby Mississippi and went spelunking to gather stalactites. |
Like Fr. Dobberstein, whose work inspired him,
he used fossils, crystals, and shells to glorify |
their Maker. But he also made
extensive use of artificial materials, like glass and gearshift knobs. |
Getting there
Dickeyville is in the SE corner of Wisconsin, 10 miles NE of Dubuque,
Iowa on US 61 & 151. Follow the GROTTO signs. |
Always open.
Huge gift shop open 7 days
May 1 - Oct. 31, 9:00 - 7:00.
608-568-7519. |